Hey there, it’s been a while! We hope life has been treating you well, and that you’ve grown in ways that bring you joy and fulfillment.
Let’s take a moment to check in—not just on the everyday hustle and bustle of life, but on something deeper. How’s your spiritual well-being? Are you making time for the things that nourish your soul—whether it’s meditation, prayer, quiet reflection, or simply being present in the moment?
Your spiritual life is a superpower—the source of peace, balance, and strength that carries you through life’s ups and downs. If it’s been on the back burner, maybe today is the perfect time to reconnect.
We want to take a moment to encourage you on your spiritual journey. Before looking ahead, pause and reflect—how far have you come? It’s easy to downplay our growth and focus on what’s still left to do, but chances are, you’ve made incredible progress in your faith—far more than you give yourself credit for.
And if you’re feeling like you haven’t moved forward as much as you’d hoped, don’t worry. Growth isn’t a race—it’s a journey. We have something to help you take that next step. Stay with us—your spiritual breakthrough may be closer than you think.
I recently attended the Milwaukee Business Journal's Mentoring Monday event, where women from all over the country gathered for speed mentoring sessions designed to help advance careers. One CEO I spoke with shared a simple but powerful tip: come prepared with icebreaker questions to make meeting people easier. But she took it a step further—she suggested looking around the room and noticing who needs connection the most, who needs some love. Approach that person, ask the right questions, and offer them your attention. In doing so, you create an opportunity for both of you to feel seen, valued, and uplifted.
That advice stuck with me—not just for networking but for life and faith..
Personal Stories
What I realized from this mentoring session is that everyone has a story—and if we truly listen, those stories have the power to change us. People don’t expect you to follow their exact path, but they share their experiences hoping that something in their journey will spark something in yours. That insight has really inspired me and helped me stay focused.
A few months ago, the idea for a book began to take shape, and now it feels like a calling—a mission I’m passionate about. I want to share stories of seeking and finding God—personal journeys that may be exactly the message someone else needs to hear. If one story doesn’t speak to you, maybe the next one will. My goal is to gather and share 33 stories of faith—stories that can offer guidance, hope, and inspiration as we walk this path together.
Seeking God and Finding Him
Over the last few years, I’ve personally heard the same message over and over: "Seek God, and you will find Him." It’s a step beyond simply believing—it’s about truly knowing Him. Going to church and believing is a great start, but God wants more than that. He wants a relationship with us.
But what does that really mean? How do you seek Him? Will you actually find Him?
Yes, you can. And yes, you will.
Each path is unique, and that’s why I’m compiling different stories of faith. The first story I’m sharing is Bob’s story.
Bob, a longtime friend, retired and found himself searching for meaning. He read everything he could about God and religion, wrestling with the question: "Does believing in Jesus really matter in today’s world?" His journey led him to a resounding answer: Yes, it does. Bob sought God in his own way, found Him, and now shares his faith with everyone he meets. I had the privilege of sitting down with Bob and writing his story, which is now available as an ebook on Amazon.
Share Your Story
Maybe Bob’s story isn’t the one that resonates with you. That’s okay—there are more to come. If you’ve had your own experience of seeking and finding God, I’d love to hear it. Your story could be the one that speaks to someone else and helps them in their faith journey.
Once I’ve gathered 33 stories, I’ll publish them as a full collection, but for now, I’ll be sharing them one by one.
Thank You for Reading
Stay strong in your faith and keep seeking—because when you do, you will find Him.
Do you need a positive boost each day?
Here’s one:
Do not be dismayed by the brokenness in the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in the darkness for the light that is you. – L.R. Knost
Read more positivisms.
It’s time to start building your Super Powers!
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